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We Offer Support With


Holistic Wellbeing for Children & Teens
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​Be it emotional dysregulation, separation anxiety, school refusal, lagging social skills, low self-esteem, behavioural concerns at home or at school, issues related to focus, attention, and executive functioning, unexplained loss of interest in studies and other activities, trauma from abuse, loss, neglect, bullying or Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACE’s), we are adept at working with children and their families to systematically overcome these challenges, utilising a combination of evidence-based methods such as play therapy, art therapy, CBT, and mindfulness-based interventions, among others.


Trauma Recovery

Life throws a lot at us, and some experiences can be too heavy to navigate on our own. These could include, but are not limited to, the loss of a loved one, serious accidents, debilitating illness, sexual assault (including attempts), domestic violence, or even threats of violence. Any of these events can be traumatic and trigger mental health struggles like anxiety and depression, and seeking help is a sign of strength. Through evidence-based approaches, we are here to help you work through your trauma.



You are not your condition. If you come with a diagnosis of depression or have been battling that dreaded sense of hopelessness, despair, and worthlessness, know that we are here to walk beside you. Our sessions delve deep into understanding its roots and manifestations, while offering evidence-based personalised strategies tailored to each individual's journey. With empathy as our cornerstone, we walk alongside you, providing unwavering support as you work your way towards a brighter, more fulfilling future.

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Relationship Concerns

We are adept at working with couples (married and unmarried) who are navigating complexities in their relationship that may relate to communication gaps, personality clashes, disagreements over finances, parenting, and relationships with the extended family, as well as trauma from infidelity and substance abuse. Our sessions are crafted to aid couples work through their differences to enhance their relationship dynamics. We provide a platform for open communication and mutual understanding where each individual is given the opportunity to express themselves and feel validated, fostering a safe environment for giving and receiving constructive feedback, empowering couples to progress towards a stronger, more harmonious connection.


Stress & Anxiety
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Numerous factors contribute to stress and anxiety, often exerting a profound impact on both our physical and emotional well-being. Our sessions are specifically designed to uncover these stressors and equip you with effective strategies to manage them, work through tolerating the distress, and reframing your unhelpful thoughts into more helpful ones, promoting greater overall health and resilience. 


Anger Management

Do you struggle with anger that disrupts your life? We incorporate evidence-based approaches like Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) and Dialectical Behavioural Therapy, to help you identify triggers and develop healthy coping mechanisms. We'll equip you with relaxation techniques and communication skills to express yourself assertively and manage frustration effectively, empowering you to build healthier relationships and achieve greater control over your emotional well-being.



Explore our grief and trauma counselling services designed to alleviate the intense emotions and pain accompanying loss. We offer personalised support to help you regain strength and adjust to life without your loved ones. Our integrative approach focuses on supporting you as you come to terms with your unique reality, equipping you with coping mechanisms tailored to your unique experiences.


Family Discord/Changes
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Family relationships and dynamics are sometimes complex and convoluted. Our family therapy sessions provide a safe space for open communication and collaboration. We empower families to navigate complexities like communication breakdowns, behavioural issues in children of all ages, and challenges arising from blended families, grief, chronic illness, or life transitions. By fostering mutual understanding and establishing healthy boundaries, we help families build stronger connections and develop effective solutions to overcome challenges. We also equip families with tools to manage stress, improve conflict resolution, and create a more supportive home environment for all members.


Child & Teen


Session Duration: 60 minutes

Single Session
₹ 3,499

To be paid in advance

4 Session Pack
₹ 12,000

To be paid in full, in advance


Individual Therapy

(Working Professionals)

Session Duration: 60 minutes

Single Session
₹ 2,999

To be paid in advance

4 Session Pack
₹ 10,000

To be paid in full, in advance


Individual Therapy

(Adult Students)

Session Duration: 60 minutes

Single Session
₹ 1,999

To be paid in advance

4 Session Pack
₹ 7,500

To be paid in full, in advance


Couples Therapy

Session Duration: 75 minutes

Single Session
₹ 3,499

To be paid in advance

4 Session Pack
₹ 12,000

To be paid in full, in advance


Family Therapy

Session Duration: 75 minutes

Single Session
₹ 3,499

To be paid in advance

4 Session Pack
₹ 12,000

To be paid in full, in advance


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